Thursday, October 02, 2008

A Shout Out from Dr. Will

From time to time, I check out my stats on Google Analytics. I can see how many people looked at my site, where the traffic came from, and what they searched on. I never got so much traffic as the time I mentioned Metro Station and Miley Cyrus. I’ll never make that mistake again . . . whoops (as I brace for the onslaught). Mostly, I assume people just get to my blog by accident since much of my traffic comes from Google Images. Oh, and my friends and family. So, imagine my surprise when I see 41 referrals from Wawaweewa? I searched for coldsake and I found a whole discussion thread on Dr. Will’s site, started by Dr. Will himself (another celeb caught googling himself!) Well, this is as exciting as my comment from Chris Young. Not only does this mean that Dr. Will saw my blog, a few of his fans even said it was funny. The rest picked on my photography skills (it was really dark in there people!) If I had known he was so nice, maybe I would’ve bugged him during dinner and gotten a real photo. Oh well, that’s what I get for being polite (and secretly taking covert photos of him instead). So just remember people – if you coldsake, I can see you . . .

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