Wednesday, June 18, 2008

30 Days to Change Your Life

Now that This American Life has ended its miniature season, I am so happy to welcome 30 Days back into my summer TV lineup (no, it’s not a zombie movie). It’s the same kind of stories – human stories from around America, led by a hipster-in-disguise host. Instead of the heavily bespectacled Ira Glass, we have the handlebar mustached Morgan Spurlock. You may remember Morgan as the guy who stuffed his face with Big Macs and shakes for a month in Supersize Me. He now brings the same principal of doing something opposite of you for one month to others. This season, he’s already become a West Virginia coal minor, narrowly avoiding the dreaded “Black Lung,” while he hooked an NFL player up with a wheelchair, and sent a hunter to live with a PETA family. It’s usually less of a shouting match than Wife Swap, focusing on thoughtful discussion and debate rather than drama for ratings sake. I realized last night the situations are a little slanted to the left as he seems to take conservative people (like next week’s episode where a straight mom goes to live with a gay family) and plop them with a bunch of liberals, but they always meet somewhere in the middle by the end of the show and humanity wins. This concept has worked for the past three seasons, because you realize people are just people in the end. That is, until he tries to put a lingerie model with members of the Taliban. For now, I’ll tune in to see what wacky situations every is getting into and ponder if a burger, fries and a vanilla shake is really a bad idea, especially if you make that burger PETA-friendly veggie?

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