Monday, June 02, 2008

Another Round of Cosmos, Please!

Wow. Way to go girl power. This weekend, the ladies came out en masse to kick Indy’s wrinkly old ass. And I saw all the action first hand. My local theater’s showings of Sex and the City were sold out all night and my friend and I ended up at the older, less fancy theater (more likely to get cinema muck on the stilettos, ya know?). The crowd was 98% women (and one scared looking guy) and so young! I figure the Cougar Patrol would be in full affect, but they all looked like high school girls. And they were a rowdy bunch, cheering at the opening titles, which is why you go opening night. The movie was fantastic (even though I didn’t forgive Big) and like an oversized episode with more meat. The ladies looked a little older (maybe it’s because one-foot-tall crow’s feet on the big screen is harder to ignore), but I thought that was cool that they look and seem to be acting their age, for the most part. Great cameos by Candice Bergen, Mario Cantone, and the rest of the extended SATC family, as well as (Renthed alert!) small part with Daphne Rubin Vega as a disillusioned society chick. I wasn’t really sure what the point of Jennifer Hudson’s role was (other than a nod to African-American and heavy girls), but she was good (not going to win another Oscar, though). Charlotte York makes me cry every time she talks (we have a lot in common). And, I’ve been somewhere before Miss Bradshaw (went to Bemelmans Bar at the Carlyle Hotel this Christmas. It’s a time warp of a bar, if you get the chance). So, the movie was not a let-down – it was everything I hoped and dreamed and more, and I wouldn’t complain if they had a really good story for a sequel. Sigh, another week, another obsolete box set!

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