Monday, June 09, 2008

Who Screwed Over Alanis the Most?

We all know the story by now that the Alanis Morissette song “You Outta Know” was inspired by Dave “Joey Gladstone” Coulier (the stud with the moose puppet on Full House). That song was the angry girl anthem of the 90’s (until I discovered No Doubt, that is). Jagged Little Pill was arguably one of the best albums of it’s time and the best complete album by Morissette Then she went to India, got all Zen, and wrote nice songs about politeness (“Thank You”). Yeah, she had a few songs angry songs mixed into her later albums, such as that one about the producer who took advantage of her in her youth (“Hands Clean”), but she was still centered about the whole experience. So, what in the hell did Ryan Reynolds do to her to have reawoken the fury? On every talk show she’s been on she describes the last few years as “hitting rock bottom.” You mean worse than with Cool-yay? Is it the fact that Reynolds moved on to the younger, bustier Scarlett Johansson (good for Reynolds for sticking with the curvy girls at least)? Or did they implode for some other reason we’re not privy to (like Ryan forgot to separate the recycling)? Well, fans are thanking Reynolds for inspiring this burst of creativity, which we haven’t seen the likes of in years. I’m still waiting for the lost album from her Robin Sparkles phase, where she tells You Can’t Do That On Television co-star Alasdair Gillis to leave her the f@%$ alone.

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