Monday, July 21, 2008

Emmy Time!

So, the Emmy nominations are out. I know it's over a couple months away, but I'm excited for the return of awards season. All my favorites have been nominated – Mad Men, Neil Partick Harris from How I Met Your Mother, This American Life, Pushing Daisies and The Amazing Race. Strike and all this year, it was a crappy TV season, but it should be a great ceremony. I never realized how vast the actual nominations are, however. There are hundreds of categories. There are the important ones you see on TV, and then there are all the nerds who get their awards in a “special ceremony.” Here are some observations:

-They award Emmys for casting! There are 3 categories – comedy, drama, and special or miniseries. Wow, that’s not gonna be on TV. Along with the categories for Hair, Makeup and Choreography (big surprise, So You Think You Can Dance is nominated for 3 out of the 5 slots).

I knew this from working in advertising (since we used to win this category from time to time) but there is an Emmy for Best Commercial! Snooze!

-30 Rock is nominated for 7 Guest Actor/ Actress slots. They should win the Will and Grace Lifetime Achievement Award for Stunt Casting.

-Ryan Seacrest and Heidi Klum could add “Emmy Winner” pre-fixes to their names if either wins Outstanding Host For A Reality Or Reality - Competition Program. But can we acknowledge that Padma from Top Chef has been shut out?

This award needs to be on-air no matter what: Outstanding Original Music And Lyrics as I want to hear the presenter read the nominees including 'I'm F***ing Matt Damon' And how sad is it that if Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman win, they won’t be celebrating together?

-Oh, and it’s two categories as both the Matt Damon and Ben Affleck versions were nominated for Outstanding Picture Editing Of Clip Packages For Talk, Performance, Award Or Reality Competition Programs

-Omissions: Where the heck is Big Love in the nominations? All they get is a nod for Guest Actress? Not cool. I wouldn’t mess with ladies in prairie dresses and tall hair if I were them. Also, where’s Jon and Kate Plus 8? Little People, Big World got a nod for music composition. Isn’t there anything you can give to eight cute children? Why isn’t there a category for Best Doody Extraction? They would clean up, if so.

-Outstanding Drama – Boston Legal was nominated? Really? Really. Can we agree that Boston Legal and Entourage do no deserve a damn thing this season? It’s like Frasier all over again.

So, see you on September 21, kids! Get your cocktails and cigarettes ready, because I think Mad Men is going to sweep!

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