Meeting and Greeting Josh Ritter
So after Friday’s thrilling show, we were herded like cattle into the Something-Cahners room off the first balcony level. There was a little noise waiting to get into the room as there were some party crashers (VIPs only, nephew, step aside). It was a long and narrow room with high ceilings, 2 bars (cash), and two little balconies with doors (which we thought it would be cool if Josh entered from there and waived like The Queen). So, we got some beverages and settled in for the wait. I learned that Pops Punch, is actually alcoholic and a bargain at $2 a glass. Alas, since little Kiki is off the sauce until the arrival of Coldsake Jr. at the end of the year, I had to settle for some cranberry juice. The place got very packed with the nerdy ticket holders and actual friends and family. Within a half hour, members of the band filed in. I kept my distance, since I had no idea what their names were and they were receiving hugs from mom and dad (there were a handful of hipster Natalie Portman types in party dresses that I assumed were “the dates”). I soon noticed that people were getting their commemorative posters signed by the band. I was bored, they were all there, so I decided to “collect them all” (it felt like a weird scavenger hunt after a bit). I learned the band members are Zack Hickman (with the handlebar mustache, bass), Sam Kassirer (piano), Austin Nevins (guitar), Liam Hurley (drums). They were all very nice, fighting off hordes of pen wielding girls. There was lots of pen sharing going on and I felt like a big fat groupie. I also took a picture with Zach because you can’t say no to a photo op with a man with a mustache like that. Still, no sign off Josh. It was an hour later and the Hubby was starting to get cranky. And the room had gotten hot, very hot. Soon, all the families left. We went through one door and nothing was happening. I finally asked another kid and he pointed to the door we came in (I guess Josh never made it in the room). A line had already formed, snaking to the midway point (how did I miss that?). We got in at the end and waited. The line was not moving. And it was now the seventh circle of hell hot. I felt a pregnancy related puking/ passing out incident coming on (which I would have done if I thought it would get me to the front of the line) and sat down on some cool marble and waited. We realized Josh must be having a 15 minute personal conversation with EVERYONE. Finally, one of the line henchmen came out to announce Symphony Hal was throwing us out on our collective asses (!) but if we went to outside, he would be there. So, we decided to leave and be the first ones outside. Well, line henchman #2 decided they would lead us down in an orderly fashion from upstairs (!) so we had to go back. Luckily, we didn’t lose too much ground. We calmly walked into cooler (but muggy) air and waited some more. Thankfully, the line was moving. I only had to listen to slight off-key sing-alongs (groan) and boys gushing to their presumed girl friends how excited they were. Hmmm. Eventually, we got to the front of the line (but not before spying a tiny Natalie Merchant getting into Josh’s SUV limo. It was 80 and muggy, but she was wearing a heavy blue winter coat and thick black
headband. And sensible shoes. She looked very old, like your grandma on the way to church. Double hmmm.) Anyway, Josh gave me and the hubby each a huge bear hug and proceeded to chat. Just chat, like he had no where else to be. He admitted he did make a ton of mistakes during the show, but I told him it was cool. We took a picture, he signed my poster, told me my necklace was badass (which it was), and gave another round of hugs! It was surreal, but worth the wait. I’ve met other performers who don’t make eye contact (I’m talking to you New Kids on the Block) and this was special indeed. I hope to meet Josh again next time he comes to my neck of the woods. Until then, he remains on high rotation on Itunes.
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