Friday, March 28, 2008

Together We Stand, Divided No One Calls

Yesterday, I was waxing philosophical on getting entertainment-custody of one half of the couple in a celebrity divorce. But then, I saw a re-run of Oprah yesterday afternoon featuring Heidi Klum and Seal and I thought of the professional benefits of being a famous couple. Just cute as buttons, calling each other the Austrian equivalent of schmoopie throughout the segment, they got me thinking: before they got married, was either one of them Oprah worthy? I feel like once they got married, their stock went up; now everybody wants to interview them as a couple, where separately they probably couldn’t hail a taxi. After they met, Heidi got her current gig on Project Runway and Seal was big in the 90’s, but had a cooling off period until his Grammy nominations last year. This is a very specific phenomenon – J-Lo and Ben Affleck saw a bit of this when they were together,, but they’ve both been very famous before and after their breakup. Angelina and Brad were tabloid fodder in their past relationships, so their new one is no exception. K-Fed and Britney don’t count because only half of that equation was every really famous (now their both notorious). So, can you think of another example of a couple who were not newsworthy separately, but had professional booms once they got together? Is there something magic about being a team? Or is it our weird fascination with couples of the famous variety or do you get more talented in a relationship? And when do Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman get their shot on Oprah (how about a video of "We're Both Effing Oprah Winfrey")? Leave your comments!

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