Monday, May 12, 2008

Indiana Jones Revisited: Part 1

As I mentioned before, I’m prepping for the May 22 release of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crytsal Skull (phew, what a mouthful) with a revisitation of the former trilogy. I started with Raiders of the Lost Ark, obvs. I was struck by Harrison Ford’s youth and handsomeness (could you imagine if he was your foxy Intro to Anthology prof?). 20 years does make a big difference, but he still looks good. And then I realized that I don’t think I ever paid attention to this movie before. I’ve owned the now soon-to-be-obsolete box set for a while now, watched this movie amidst scrapbooking marathons (don’t judge), and realized this weekend, I had no idea what was going to happen next. The only part I remembered was when the nazis’ faces melt at the end (scared the crap outta me when I was a kid). Karen Allen (Marion) was less annoying than I remember her (I think I merged her and look-alike Margo Kidder’s Lois Lane together in my mind). And that scene in her bar? Where she’s drinking a guy under the table to the cheers of the other patrons? I never knew that Charlie’s Angel 2: Full Throttle was spoofing that (duh). And it wasn’t nearly as boring as I remembered either. Still, I hold fast that it is my least favorite to date – the fight choreography isn’t crisp enough and Indy is still a rough sketch that gets filled in in subsequent movies. So, stay tuned as I work my way through Temple of Doom and Last Crusade! The race is on!

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