Friday, May 09, 2008

Top TV Moms Right Now

Since it’s Mother’s Day and everyone is doing one of these lists, I figured I’d give you the Top TV Moms Right Now. Sure, you can find a list extolling the virtues of Donna Reed, Carol Brady, and Mrs. C., but who are the all-star moms in today’s mom-less environment (they keep killing ‘em off on Lost, and if only the boys on Entourage had a mom to answer to):
-Allison Dubois (Medium) – Sure, her family lives in constant fear she’ll attack them in the middle of the night reenacting one of her crazy dreams, but she does the best she can. She was working part-time for the District Attourney’s office while shuttling the kids back and forth from school, but now that neither her or husband Joe have a job, she seems to be working for free! They should take up a collection at the precint since Allison seems to do most of the work for Phoenix’s finest. In her sleep.
-Nora Walker (Brothers & Sisters) – Yeah, she may drink a little too much and spout of political rhetoric, but whose mom doesn’t? She graciously opened her home to her late husband’s bastard child and puts up with the nonsense of her five grown kids, all well remembering to take her Boniva.
-Lynette Scavo (Desperate Housewives) – Lynette may be raising a herd of future felons, but she’s recovering from cancer, running the family pizza shop with man-baby husband Tom, and fighting off the advances of sexy chef Jason Gedrick. Sounds like she’s got a pretty full plate. Lynette, it’s never too early to think military school.
-Martha Stewart – As I watch this show every morning, one thought runs predominantly through my head – thank God she ain’t my mother! Alexis seems to keep a safe distance from her mother, yet still manage to mooch off her radio channel on Sirius. We need people like Martha to make all of us feel inadequate (in the time I’ve been blogging, she already fed the chickens, made a pie, and hot glued gardenias to her dogs).
-Margene Henrickson (Big Love) – It’s got to be difficult to be the youngest of three sister wives. In fact, Margene sometimes seems like an additional child more than a wife. But, with two in her brood, and another on the way, this youngster helps first wife Barb keep the Henrickson ship afloat, and puts up with second wife Nicki, all while maintaining the sense of spunk tht caught Bill’s eye in the first place. I think Bill needs to buy her a puppy or something – she seems a bit lonely.
-Betty Draper (Mad Men) – Is the classic mom – she smokes and drinks while pregnant, can mix a mean martini, and keeps the house spotless all before Don arrives home on the 6pm train (unless he’s hanging out with one of his mistresses that night). I do worry about Betty, as prozac wasn’t invented yet in 1960. But hopefully she’ll settle down, take a macramé class and discover Erica Jong.
-Mrs. Mosby (How I Met Your Mother) – I don’t know what to think of Ted’s wife as I haven’t met her yet. But she will be Legen . . . . . wait for it . . . .Awesome!

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