Monday, February 18, 2008

Return of the Naked Chef

Now that you’re all hung over from all the Valentine’s Day roast duck and soufflé this weekend, feast on this: Jamie Oliver is back with his new show Jamie at Home (it sort of reminds me of that comic strip Adam@Home, but he doesn’t seem to be a fat guy fighting with the treadmill).. I think working from home is the new trend, (which is why I’m so cool). Anyway, where was I? Oh, so Jamie Oliver is back and it makes me so happy. The theme of this showing is “cooking stuff and growing stuff.” It’s shot in the Nigellla-style uncomfortable close-up, so you can see even better how his tongue doesn’t quite fit into his mouth. It’s good to see him back on American TV as it’s been so long since his Naked Chef Pukka Tukka days. He kicks Rachel Ray’s ass by churning out fresh pasta in between commercial breaks and making more out of the 30 minutes than she does. And he says things like "sod it" on the FoodNetwork (which they apparently don't know to censor). Anyway, it’s simple, quick, natural foods. You should give it a watch next Saturday morning if you haven’t already (or DVR it like I do since I can’t get my butt up that early).

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