Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Word of the Day: Asshat

The other day, I was watching an DVR’d episode of No Reservations: Tuscany and Anthony Bourdain mentioned someone was an “asshat.” I thought it was strange – I had never heard that word before and he usually doesn’t censor himself that much, even on the Travel Channel (they usually just bleep out the really bad stuff). Then, later on, while I was watching Eli Stone, his brother said the same word (!) I assumed it was TV’s way of making up a nonsense word that sounds like a curse, like when they say someone is a “motherlover” on edited re-runs of Dexter on CBS. I had to look it up, to see if this is a real word. At the , I discovered it is indeed a real word: “One who has their head up their ass. Thus wearing their ass as a hat.” I love it – it’s a word that’s needed to convey that idea. So now I have a word to describe Donald Trump: asshat.

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