Thursday, April 24, 2008

Spike Consummates His Relationship with Butternut Squash Soup

If you’ve been watching Top Chef the last few weeks, you may have notices Spike’s budding romance with Butternut Squash Soup. During a team challenge 2 weeks ago, his teammates talked him down from the soup, but not before he said “Butternut Squash Soup” like 9,000 times. It was clearly crazy, yet unrequited love. Well, last night Spike and his soup went all the way, with the theme of "Yellow Love Vanilla," no less. In the hazy afterglow of their love, he almost won the challenge with his partner, Andrew, but alas, Richard and Dale stole the top spot with "Green Perplexed Tofu". What’s next for Spike? Will he stay true to his Squash or will his attention stray now that he has made his conquest? Tune in next week for the Microwave-only challenge (Mark Bittman, eat your heart out!)

P.S. Here is the recipe for Squash Soup with Vanilla Crème Fraiche.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Nice job with the consummate/consomme pun!

Also, Mai House, the NYC restaurant where Spike is Chef de Cuisine, is offering a $59 tasting menu featuring Spike's Top Chef dishes (what, no butternut squash soup! Unbelievable!)